Stanet Converter

This converter can be used for converting STANETⓇ networks to pandapipes networks. Currently, the converter only works for gas grids and has been tested with a number of real and synthetic gas grids. For heating grids, some components might be missing and no tests have been performed.

The conversion has been validated with STANET Version 10.2.33 (in German).

Hints for the conversion procedure:

  1. Please make sure that you perform a simulation in STANET before exporting the data, as this will determine a few simulation parameters needed for the converter and the pipeflow as well (see the notes below for more info).

  2. Then, the network needs to be exported as CSV-file from STANET (export everything into one file).

  3. The pandapipes net can be created by passing the path to the CSV-file to the stanet_to_pandapipes function.

stanet_to_pandapipes(stanet_path, name='net', remove_unused_household_connections=True, stanet_like_valves=False, read_options=None, add_layers=True, guess_slider_valve_types=False, **kwargs)

Converts STANET csv-file to pandapipesNet.

  • stanet_path (str) – path to csv-file exported from STANET

  • name (str, default "net") – name for the created network

  • remove_unused_household_connections (bool, default True) – if True, the intermediate nodes on pipes that are not connected to any households will be skipped.

  • stanet_like_valves (bool, default False) – whether pipes with valves should be treated as one component (valve_pipe) or split into separate pipes and valves (common pandapipes practice)

  • read_options (dict, default None) – Additional kwargs for the tables to be read with pd.read_csv. If None, no kwargs will be handed over.

  • add_layers (bool, default True) – If True, adds information on layers of different components if provided by STANET

  • guess_slider_valve_types (bool, default False) – If set to True, the slider valve status (opened / closed) is guessed based on the logic “even number = opened; odd number = closed”.



Return type:



In pandapipes, pipes and valves are usually modelled as separate components. In STANET, however, a valve can be ‘integrated’ into a pipe, as a valve always contains a length parameter. By default, the converter splits this into a pipe and an attached valve in the pandapipes network. This is recommended.

If required, the (not recommended, not documented) valve_pipe pandapipes component can be used alternatively, which represents the pipe with integrated valve from STANET. To do so, the stanet_like_valves parameter has to be set to True. The valve_pipe is impleted directly in the converter directory (pandapipes.converter.stanet.valve_pipe_component).


In STANET, meters can be connected through a household piping system or directly to a node in the main piping system, and the user can switch between these simulation options upon performing a simulation run. The converter will identify whether for the last run the household system was successfully considered. If not, all meters are directly connected to the main system and the household system is set out of service. There is unfortunately no simple toolbox function yet to switch between these two options. N.B. in some cases, the household piping system is set out of service, although this option was not chosen in the STANET run. This can happen, if the whole simulation failed in STANET. In this case, the converter might show unexpected behavior.