Datastructure and Components
In a pandapipes network, the elements are listed in tables (pandas-DataFrames). For each type of elements in the network (e.g., sink, source, junction, pipe…) there exists one table. Each element of these tables consists of one row for each element of the respective kind and one column for each parameter.
All element tables are organized in a pandapipesNet-object. Like a pandapowerNet, pandapipesNet-objects are of the data type ‘ADict’. Thus, similar to dictionaries, values are stored with a unique key (e.g., ‘pipe’: pd.DataFrame containing the pipe-table). In addition to the dictionary syntax, the values are settable and gettable via attributes as well, so one can use e.g. net.pipe instead of net[‘pipe’] to get the pipe-DataFrame. Also, pandapipesNet-objects have a __repr__ method that prints a human-readable text summary of the network, including the number and types of included elements and the fluid. Further explanation, also on additional data that is stored in the pandapipesNet, can be found in the pandapipes-paper [LCD+20].
pandapipes provides thermo-hydraulic models for several component types, for each of which you can find detailed information about the definition and interpretation of the parameters in the following documentation: